Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Picture

The people in the south have a different culture than the people in the north and are being hated for it. The southern Muslims want to create a separate state for the Islamic people. They want the government to help with services and goods, but they haven't had any luck so far. My theme is Conflict and Compromise and this fits with it because the government wasn't willing to compromise with the Muslims, so now there is a conflict about the Muslims separating from the rest of Thailand. People could use this topic to learn that governments shouldn't discriminate against religion because it will just cause more problems for everyone.


  1. This reminds me of the religious and ethnic turmoil in Africa because the different religions create conflict. Also with the Apartheid(racial sgregation) in Africa, it created conflict as well. And even through out India and Pakistan the same is seen.

  2. This reminds me a lot of the Kurds in Turkey and Iraq. They have wanted to have their own state for their own people. And that is mostly because of the abuse they receive from the different ethnic groups in Turkey and Iraq. The way they are fighting for their ethic and religions freedom is very similar and is a big issue today.

  3. This reminds me of the Arab-Israeli conflict becuase in Israel there are palestinan muslims who want to make a country of Palestine that is separate from Israel. The muslims who want palestine are also a minority and they are treated not so well by the Israeli government. Likewise as in Thailand the muslim minority is not being listened to.

  4. I am very proud of yall those are very good comments supported with actual facts and information. yall deserve a pat on the back. good job guys.
